Finding time in our busy work and home life to stop and reflect can be challenging.

Coaching allows you the freedom, in a safe and supportive environment, to get greater clarity and focus around where you want to be and how you're going to get there.

For some clients coaching is about how they want to be - how they experience life or perhaps living a more authentic life. 

Whatever you bring to a session, coaching is a confidential space in which you can focus on your goals in a way that works for you.


"Liz's coaching sessions are empowering. Her ability to hold a trusted and safe space is exceptional. Liz's skills lie in her insightful questions and her positive approach. The activities we've worked on, and her enthusiasm are infectious. Over the past year that I've been working with Liz, my confidence in live performances and presentations has grown in ways I could never have imagined. Her unwavering trust in me, and complete acceptance of my talent, reveals constant revelations to me"

A. Roberts, cybersecurity adviser
and singer

Zoom or telephone coaching 

Bridge the gap of time and distance using technology. You can have a coaching session anywhere, anytime, via Zoom or FaceTime or over the phone. Clients find these sessions effective and powerful. For more information or to book a session simply email or phone:

Liz Tilley Coaching

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Words of wisdom

If you are looking for that one person who can change your life, take a look in the mirror...

Following your dream

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love, it will not lead you astray.”


Mind matters

“We sow the seeds of our future hells or happiness by the way we open or close our minds right now.”

Pema Chodron 

Finding your voice

“You must strive to find your own voice. Because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it at all.”

from the movie Dead Poets Society